Other Activities
- Co-author, American Economic Association Committee on Equity, Diversity and Professional Conduct, AEA Professional Climate Survey: Final Report, September 2019
- Senior Economist, Council of Economic Advisers, The White House, 2011-2012
- Presenter, Aspen Ideas Festival
- Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society) Distinguished Lecturer
- Senior Scholar, Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Member, Advisory Board, Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Adjunct Research Associate Professor, University of Michigan, Institute for Research on Innovation and Science
- Chair and Member, EHA Representative, NASA Committee, American History Association
- Chair, EHA Nevins Dissertation Prize Committee
- Member, Rhonda Williams Prize Selection Committee, IAFFE
- Member, Research Advisory Board, Washington Center for Equitable Growth
- Member, Advisory Board, Smithsonian Institution, Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation
- Board of Editors, Journal of Economic Literature
- Editorial Board, Journal of Economic History
- Referee: Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of
- Economic History, Explorations in Economic History, Oxford Economic Papers,
- Feminist Economics, Review of Black Political Economy
- Reviewer: MacArthur Foundation 100 & Change Competition, National Science
- Foundation (various programs and panels), Cambridge University Press, MIT
- Press, Addison-Wesley Publishing, Routledge Publishing L.D. Cook p. 7
- Obama Presidential Transition Team, Economics and International Trade; Team Leader, World Bank Agency Review, and Co-Team Leader, International Affairs, Treasury Department Agency Review
- Board of Directors, Roosevelt Institute, New York, NY
- Board of Directors, University Musical Society, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Marshall, Gates Cambridge Trust, and Harry S. Truman Scholarship Regional and National Selection Panels
- Spelman College Board of Trustees
- Coach and Player, Five-on-Five Basketball Tournament winning team, James Madison College, Michigan State University (Spring 2010)
- Founder and CEO, The Cook School Cooking School