Publications and Working Papers can be found at,, and, Google Scholar,
- “Can addressing inequality unleash economic growth?” (with Nela Richardson and Jim Tankersley) Business Economics 56, 5966, (2021).
- “Addressing gender and racial disparities in the U.S. labor market to boost wages and power innovation,” Washington Center for Equitable Growth, January 14, 2021.
- “Economists tackle the challenges of a pandemic,” (with Diane Swonk, Julie Coronado, et al.), Business Economics 55, 279288 (2020).
- “Policies to broaden participation in the innovation process,” Brookings Institution, The Hamilton Project, August 14, 2020.
- “Getting money urgently to low-wage U.S. workers,” Washington Center for Equitable Growth, March 30, 2020.
- “The implications of U.S. gender and racial disparities in income and wealth inequality at each stage of the innovation process,” (with Jan Gerson) Washington Center for Equitable Growth Policy Brief, July 2019.
- “Dust, Drink, and Divergence: Summaries of Nevins Prize Doctoral Dissertations,” Journal of Economic History, Volume 78, Issue 2, pp. 575-610, (2018).
- “Rural Segregation and Racial Violence: Historical Effects of Spatial Racism,” with Trevon Logan and John Parman, American Journal of Economics and Sociology Volume 1, Numbers 3 and 4, (2018).
- “Racial Segregation and Southern Lynching”, with Trevon Logan and John Parman, Social Science History, vol 42 (4), pages 635-675, (2018).
- “The Mortality Consequences of Distinctively Black Names,” with Trevon D. Logan and John Parman, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 59(C), pp. 114-125 January 2016.
- “Violence and Economic Growth: Evidence from African American Patents, 1870- 1940,” Journal of Economic Growth/JSTOR Volume 19, Issue 2 pp. 221-257, June 2014. Ungated: “Violence and Economic Growth: Evidence from African American Patents, 1870-1940,”
- “Distinctively Black Names in the American Past,” with Trevon D. Logan and John Parman, Explorations in Economic History, Volume 53, pp. 64-82 July 2014.
- “The Financial and Economic Crisis: Implications for Consumer Finance and for Households in Michigan,” forthcoming, Journal of Consumer Education, (2012).
- “Overcoming Discrimination by Consumers during the Age of Segregation: The Example of Garrett Morgan,” Business History Review, Volume 86, Issue 2, Summer 2012.
- “Converging to a National Lynching Database: Recent Developments and the Way Forward,” Historical Methods, Volume 45, Issue 2, March 2012.
- “Inventing Social Capital: Evidence from African American Inventors, 1843-1930,” Explorations in Economic History, Volume 48, Issue 4 pp. 507-518, December 2011.
- “Metals or Management? Explaining Recent Economic Growth in Africa,” with Laura Beny, American Economic Review, 99(2): 26874, May 2009.
- “Trade Credit and Bank Finance: Financing Small Firms in Russia,” Journal of Business Venturing, Volume 14, Numbers 5-6, pp. 493-518, (1999).
- “The Next Battleground in the Terror War,” Hoover Digest, No. 1, (2004).
- “Now the Hard Part,” Hoover Digest, No. 2, (2003).
Book Chapters
- Lisa D. Cook, Contributor, Review of the SBIR and STTR Programs at the Department of Energy, Committee on the Review of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs at the Department of Energy Consensus Study Report, Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, Policy and Global Affairs, National Academies Press, 2020.
- “Unequal Opportunity: The Innovation Gap in Pink and Black,” in Wisnioski, Hintz, and Stettler Kleine, eds., Does America Need More Innovators?, MIT Press, 2019.
- “Were the Nigerian Banking Reforms of 2005 a Success and for the Poor?” 2016, Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson, and David Weil, eds., University of Chicago-NBER African Development Successes.
- “The Euro Area Crisis and Its Implications for the United States,” Chapter 5 in Alan Krueger, et al., eds. Economic Report of the President, February 2012.
- “Small Businesses and the Recovery,” Chapter 2 in Alan Krueger, et al., eds. Economic Report of the President, February 2012.
- “Patents and Knowledge Spillovers to Developing Countries,” in Sisay Asefa, ed., Globalization and International Development: Critical Issues of the 21st Century, 44th Werner-Sichel Lecture Series, W.E. Upjohn Lecture Series. Kalamazoo: Up- john Institute, 2010.
- “The End of Serfdom in Russia and Lessons for Sudan,” chapter in Kwame Anthony Appiah and Martin Bunzl, eds., Buying Freedom: The Ethics and Economics of Slavery, Princeton University Press, 2007.
- “Africa: A Union Open for Growth, Trade, and Business?” Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003, Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Editor and Lead Author, Africa Competitiveness Report 2000-2001, World Economic Forum, Oxford University Press, 2001
- “Regional Public Goods in International Assistance” (with Jeffrey Sachs), Global Public Goods, Kaul, ed., Oxford University Press, 1999
Book Reviews
- Rayvon Fouché. Black Inventors in the Age of Segregation. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003, reviewed for Journal of Economic of Economic History, (2004), 64:3:900-902 Cambridge University Press.
- Robert J. Norrell. Up from History: The Life of Booker T. Washington. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008, reviewed for Business History Review, by Lisa D. Cook (Spring 2010)
- Bruce Sinclair, ed. Technology and the African American Experience: Needs and Opportunities for Study. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004, reviewed for Journal of Economic History, (2004), 64:3:900-902 Cambridge University Press.
- Ross Thomson, Structures of Change in the Mechanical Age: Technological Innovation in the United States, 1790-1865. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. xiv + 432 pp. $68 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-0-8018-9141-0, reviewed for EH.NET by Lisa D. Cook (February 2010)